Hello! I’m Cathy

My name is Cathy Hannes. I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, cancer warrior and lover of life! My first jolt with cancer was in 2007 when my father was diagnosed with bladder cancer. He later developed multiple myeloma in 2011. It was an experience like no other as it shaped who I am today and has prepared me for my own battle.

On December 5, 2019, I was diagnosed with acinar cell carcinoma. It is an extremely rare form of pancreatic cancer. Cancer has been a battle for my life but it has also shown me what life is all about. It’s not the despair you may think.

I will share my story of fear, pain, love, hope and miracles! I would love to hear your story too!

Keep the Faith

Want to hear more about my battle with cancer? Check out my personal blog “Keep the Faith” where I give regular updates about the ups and downs of dealing with treatment, life and dealing with this disease.

Or if blogs aren’t your thing – you can buy the book.
My story is now available on Amazon as a paperback or for Kindle. 

I Went Over the Edge – AGAIN!

Yes, on July 24th, 2022 – for the second time I rappeled down 14 stories to support families facing cancer with Gilda’s Club Madison! Here is a gallery of new photos – PLUS, below is a link to the story featured on the WMTV Channel 15 news!

Garding Against Cancer

In September of 2020, UW Health featured a story about me during their “Garding Against Cancer” event. Titled “I am loved. Carbone Strong.” It not only tells a part of my story, but about the extra steps UW Health has been taking to help patients dealing with cancer feel loved while undergoing treatment during a global pandemic. Click on the image to watch the clip featured during this event.